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我们是什么?!NKing About: This Month’s Round-up of our Favourite Digital Reads

滑板车革命, 芝加哥的弹性战略, 看看这个月我们最喜欢的网络读物吧.

通过TH!NK by IBI





微软已经 been making their internal practices more environmentally-friendly since 2012. They’ve even set a target to reduce their emissions 75% by 2030. 现在,微软 想要扩大他们的可持续发展努力 内部操作. The company plans to make their artificial intelligence and tech tools more widely available for environmental researchers and advocates 使用. As data sets for this type of research are usually too large to host on traditional computers, 微软将 also be aggregating and hosting data on their cloud platform, Azure. 更好的是:这些数据将会公开!

如何建造防邻避的无家可归者收容所? 让它们成为强制性的.


公民参与是我们民主制度的重要组成部分但不幸的是,邻避主义者倾向于 占据大多数行使公民话语权的人. 在旧金山,大多数 居民们支持解决无家可归问题 in theory, but when it comes to building facilities in affluent neighborhoods, even those in 对邻避队有利. 那么一个城市该怎么做呢? District Supervisor Matt Haney has introduced a proposal to mandate all San Francisco districts to build a homeless support center in 30 months. 无家可归是全市的问题, and legislation like Haney’s proposed is a major step towards civic and humanitarian accountability.

Chicago’s Resilience Priorities 从 the Chicago Resilience Strategy. 点击这里查看大图.



The 100 Resilient Cities initiative was the largest privately funded climate-adaption program in the US. 现在已经, 但不要忘记, the initiative created 83 chief resilience officer roles across the nation who have been instrumental in helping cities develop climate change resilience strategies. 而不是专注于直接的环境解决方案, 芝加哥市正在走一个十字路口, 天生的系统性, 方法. 80% of the strategy’s priority actions focus on addressing social issues, 比如社会经济不平等, 教育, 和种族主义. 这座城市最具变革性的行动之一是 社区机会基金, which aims to create shock-resistant opportunities for vulnerable neighborhoods in the city’s south and west sides. The fund is supported by money collected 从 developers in return for higher density which is then allocated to small businesses in disadvantaged neighborhoods. As rising rents are forcing small businesses around the globe to shut their doors, this funding method lays out an interesting framework which could be used to support neighborhood resilience 从 gentrification.

地图:历史上的公共交通系统vs. 它们的现代等同物


杰克伯曼, 艺术家和交通爱好者, has designed a series of public transportation maps 从 both past and present times across the globe. He’s layered the maps with a slider feature so you can play around and reveal the comparison yourself. 结果可能会让你大吃一惊……




Lime联合创始人Brad Bao与 边缘的 editor-in-chief Nilay Patel for an illuminating conversation about Lime’s scooter business. Bao’s data-rich insight and passion for new mobility makes a potent case for the love to hate scooter craze. 与其他滑板车公司不同, Lime is vertically integrated and their custom scooters are designed with longevity and safety as top priorities. While other companies have taken an anarchistic 方法 to getting their scooters on the streets, Lime与市政当局广泛合作. And it’s working- Bao’s sustainability-driven vision is persuading cities to change their policies to accommodate this growing trend.

图片由 布雷特Sayles 从 Pexels
