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如果路边的基础设施能够向车辆传递信息,那么自动驾驶汽车即将广泛部署的速度将大大加快. If a bridge could alert drivers that it was icy, 或者人行横道可以广播行人的存在, or a traffic light could warn that green was ending, and there were cars that could understand...

By Gabino Travassos


January 10, 2018

The imminent widespread deployment of autonomous vehicles 如果路边的基础设施能够向车辆传递信息,会大大加快速度吗. If a bridge could alert drivers that it was icy, 或者人行横道可以广播行人的存在, or a traffic light could warn that green was ending, 有些车可以理解这些信号, those passengers would be safer. 如果一辆大转弯的公共汽车传达了它的意图,或者一辆穿越高速公路的卡车向交叉交通发出了警告信号,那么自动驾驶汽车最近发生的事故是可以避免的.

目前,自动驾驶汽车过于依赖一种感官:视觉. When other vehicles and the roads, signs, 如果桥梁开始主动提供信息,那么汽车对摄像头和雷达的依赖就会减少. 即使是现在,有了我们能负担得起的汽车(勉强),我们也可以在V2I道路上行驶——但并不多.

The US Department of Transportation recommends using V2I信息专用短程通信(DSRC)标准, 汽车制造商和交通部门也在慢慢加入进来. The Audi A4 ($40,000) and Q7 ($50,000), and the Cadillac CTS ($50,000), 第一批被广泛销售的汽车是否配备了理解交通灯信息的设备. VW is expected to join in 2019, 几乎所有其他汽车制造商都已经在测试V2X的安全功能.

自动驾驶汽车试验台在世界各地如雨后春笋般出现. 密歇根州有120公里的道路配备了路况传感器和拥堵数据, several highways in Virginia, and three main roads in Edmonton, Alberta.

大多数试验台使用的是带有专用传感器和私人握手的车辆, so they are not truly available to the average driver. But right now you can drive an Audi C4 穿过拉斯维加斯的1000个十字路口,仪表盘上的计时器会倒计时,直到绿灯亮起. 这不是V2X革命,但它是一个坚实的开端. This time last year there was nothing. This time next year there should be dozens.

汽车制造商应该采用DSRC,因为驾驶员安全信息是升级的重要理由, 这些传感器和显示器比全自动驾驶汽车更容易部署. 城市将成群结队地接受这项技术,因为它们将大量取代现有的城市 ancient traffic control devices. 这个等式的第三部分是汽车如何将这些信息传递给驾驶员? 从警报哔哔声到警示灯再到增强现实挡风玻璃显示屏, it’s all coming to a car near you.

IBI有一个工作组,定期开会讨论C/AV项目、研究和创新. 我们的顾问与市政当局和运输机构合作,指导和预测运输需求. This C/AV report covers this material in greater detail.


Photo by Joey Kyber on Unsplash

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